Producing Quality Large Fowl Wyandottes
Brinkhaven Acres

Why Brinkhaven?
We are proud members of the Wyandotte Breeders of America.
All of the chicks and eggs from Brinkhaven Acres are produced from U.S. APPROVED PULLORUM-TYPHOID & H5/H7 AI clean flocks.
NPIP# 31-662
We pride ourselves on raising healthy, happy birds! Our wyandottes are housed in our newly built barn, with access to an outdoor run. We have a rotation schedule and let one group of birds free range each day, where they can enjoy foraging among our property. Our birds are given Ropa Poultry Complete on a regular basis to promote overall health among our flocks.

About Us
It is our goal to preserve large fowl Wyandottes for the future. At present date, we have one of the most complete collections of large fowl Wyandotte varieties, and remain focused on a strong breeding program resulting in superior stock for our customers. We hope you like what you see and look forward to sharing our passion with you!

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